The Trust She Yields Page 7
The board is split on whether to let him back in, and I'm afraid he'll convince them. If you get this letter, please come back and tell the board what really happened.
I miss you,
"Shit.” Catherine slumped back in the chair. “I see now. Why didn't you tell David?"
"Because—” Because I love him so much and he's just training me. Because I have to deal with my shit before I can feel whole. Because I'm terrified he'll reject me at the end of thirty days and this was easier.
"Didn't he ever ask you about what happened to you?” The other woman threw her hands in the air.
"I think—” she choked. “I think he was waiting for me to tell him."
"And you didn't trust him enough to—"
"No!” Lee exclaimed. “That wasn't it. I do trust him.” With everything. My heart, my soul, everything. “But this was my problem. I ran away like a coward. I left all the people who cared about me because I was afraid they wouldn't believe me."
"And now?"
"Now, David has helped me see I have to face this, but—” She couldn't explain it. David saved her, but she came with more baggage than she'd ever told him. It wasn't fair for him to take on her past problems, even if he would do it willingly.
Catherine watched her face and nodded slowly. “I see.” She whipped out her cell phone. “We need reinforcements."
"Who are you calling?"
She put a hand up. “Hey, Tessa? I need you, hon.” A smile crossed her face. “No, not like that. I need you to come hold a hand."
After spouting Lee's address, Catherine clicked the phone shut. “She's on her way.” She stood up and gripped Lee's arm. “Now, you are going to call David. Or I am."
"I can't. I just can't.” Lee couldn't tell him. She loved him, and she didn't want his pity. It was bad enough she hadn't told him all this in the first place, hiding the abuse, taking risks. But now, she'd fallen for him and to burden him with this shit would make her seem more pathetic. She had to face this herself, or she'd never be whole. And whether he took her back after that ... she wasn't going to go there yet.
The other woman shook her head. “Okay. If you're going back to Vegas, you're not going alone. Do you have this Ingrid's number?"
Lee nodded.
"Then call her and tell her you'll be there next weekend. Get her to inform the board. I take it this is a BDSM club?"
"That's right."
"Then they have emergency meeting procedures.” Catherine squeezed her arm. “We are going to fight this, Lee. You've got to protect the new submissives."
In her haste to protect herself, Lee hadn't considered what Barry might do to another submissive, another club member. She'd been selfish, thoughtless. David was right. She could be ruled by her fear or face it. David had taught her something valuable. What Barry had done to her wasn't her fault. And she had to stop him from doing it to someone else.
"You're absolutely right.” Lee straightened and whirled toward one of the many boxes she hadn't unpacked yet. “I know a way I can prove he's lying."
* * * *
Lee's nerves were fried. She waited in the hallway outside the room where ten members would discuss her fate. The club's meeting started in fifteen minutes. Only fifteen minutes before she had to face Barry again. Catherine and Tessa both stood beside her, shielded her really, while patrons glanced their way but didn't approach. Achingly familiar faces met her gaze but glanced away almost immediately.
It took all her courage to stand there, to wait.
"Shit.” Catherine murmured, and Tessa glanced down the hallway. Lee peered around Catherine's shoulder and her breath caught.
David, a very angry David, strode toward them. His eyes were a steely gray, and the way his jaw clenched made Lee shudder. She stepped out to meet him.
Catherine caught her arm. “You don't have to do this. I've never seen him this way. Let me deal with him."
"No.” Lee covered her hand with hers. “He's my dom.” Catherine's hand dropped away, and Lee met David in the hallway.
"Out of my way, Lee,” he ground out.
She didn't touch him or block him, but she held his gaze with a steady one of her own. “I have to do this, David."
His nostrils flared. “I'm not going to let them put you through this."
She cocked her head to the side. “You taught me about my power. Let me have my power."
For a brief instant, something vulnerable and agonizing flashed in his eyes. Something that looked like fear. “Lee, let me talk to them. Let me—"
"No, David,” she said softly. She reached up and touched his cheek. “It's my responsibility. I ran away. I didn't speak up when I should have. It's my job to make sure Barry never hurts another submissive."
His fists clenched at his sides, and she wondered if he would override her. Instead, his lips tightened and he turned his back. To him, it must seem that she didn't trust him, didn't want him, but she ached for him to hold her, tell her everything would be okay. She gently pulled on his arm. “I swear, David. I want to be whole and I can't be until I face this, face him."
"I know that,” he snapped.
"You can't save me this time."
He whirled around so fast he almost knocked her over. She would have stumbled, but he gripped her shoulders. “Why won't you let me help you?” His eyes blazed. Funny. His anger gave her courage and confidence.
She opened her mouth to tell him just that, but he dropped his hands and his face shuttered, closing off his emotions. “It doesn't matter if you need me or not.” Not need him? Is that what he thought? “As your contracted dom, I have to speak."
"So, this is all about the contract?” Great. Her worst fear realized.
Then anger ripped through her. Did everyone think she was a weakling? Even Tessa and Catherine had come riding to the rescue. She was not a helpless victim. Not anymore. She held up a hand, forestalling his response. “Let's get something clear—"
The door opened, and Ingrid stuck her head out. “They're ready, Lee."
She straightened her shoulders and turned toward the door. David's hand gripped her elbow, and he walked beside her as they entered the room.
* * * *
David ground his teeth and avoided eye contact with Catherine and Tessa. Lee didn't want him here. But she didn't have a choice. She was stuck with him. For now.
A haze of anger blurred his vision as he noted the man in a chair facing the committee. That had to be Barry. David wanted to beat the bastard to a pulp. His muscles bunched, but he controlled his breathing. He was a dominant, not a thug. He wasn't going to lose his grip here.
The meeting proceeded, but most of it was background noise to David. Random bullshit. All of it. The point was, this asshole beat his submissive, broke bones, broke the rules. That was all that mattered. Why were they even discussing it? He ran a hand through his hair. He knew why. The formalities were important. Like getting dressed before a play session, every dot had to be in its place, every T crossed.
And he had to stand by while Lee defended herself.
He heard his name and stepped forward, surprised. The club owner, Jake, had called on him. “Lee states she has a contract with you. Is that correct?"
"It is,” he answered.
"Can you tell us some of the details with this contract?"
"I can.” He took a deep breath and ignored the tension he felt from Lee beside him. “It became clear to me within the first session with Ms. Sidle that she had been abused by her previous dom."
"Bullshit!” Barry spat. “She wanted pain; I gave it to her. She wanted it rough."
All of David's energy went into keeping his hands off Barry's throat. “Ms. Sidle had several scars that seemed too deep to be pleasure scars.” He glanced at the committee. “As Lee has stated, both her questionnaires filled out a month before she began her contract with Barry and the one she filled out for me clearly show she knows her limits and he went beyond them."
bsp; Beside him, David felt Lee tremble. Outwardly, she seemed calm, cool. But he spotted small tremors of her fingers and beads of sweat on her forehead.
No one would think she was a coward now. She had to explain about the night Barry stabbed her and her stay in the emergency room, and David's heart wrenched as she told how she packed her things and ran like hell after her release from the hospital.
The committee denied Barry's request for membership. Immediately after the announcement, the asshole stepped toward Lee, but David blocked him. Barry's height didn't intimidate David. If he tried to touch Lee, David would kill him. Simple as that.
"I don't need the club to find a submissive that will do her job,” Barry sneered.
David spoke low. “There's the door. Find your way out."
Barry snarled something incomprehensible and stomped out of the room. Lee sighed.
David didn't turn to look at her. It hurt too much. Now that it was all worked out, she'd be gone. He was just a means to an end.
She didn't need him anymore.
Without another word, he strode out the door.
[Back to Table of Contents]
Chapter Seven
Catherine, Tessa and Lee boarded a plane for home. For most of the trip, Lee didn't say much. Worry replaced relief. Maybe David didn't want the baggage, the problems that came with training her. “Do you think David would take me back again? To train, I mean."
"To train? No.” Catherine smirked. “He is very pissed off.” She leaned back in her seat and grinned at Tessa. “How the mighty are fallen."
Lee's shoulders slumped. “I've blown it big time."
"I said he wouldn't take you back to train.” Catherine shrugged. “I have a feeling if you want another contract with him, it's not going to be for a measly thirty days."
Her heart stuttered then raced. “Really? Did he say something to you?"
"Let's just say I've known that man for five years, and I've never seen him this rattled. It was very gratifying.” She sighed and met Lee's gaze. “In a nutshell, he's going to either wring your neck or give you the cold shoulder.” She frowned. “I think he's hurt more than angry. Doms are funny, Lee. They like to be trusted."
"You know why I couldn't tell him."
Catherine nodded. “I do. Abuse isn't easy to talk about. David knows it. I think his ... feelings may be interfering with his reason."
Tessa's eyes shone. “Oh. That's wonderful."
Lee couldn't breathe, afraid to hope. “Really? Do you think so?"
"I do. You probably would have figured it out eventually.” Catherine closed her eyes. “You'd better get some rest. You're going to need it."
Tessa snorted and Lee gasped but took her advice. A little nap might fortify her to face him. She was going to have to go straight to his house from the airport.
* * * *
As Lee and the other two women emerged from security at the Eureka/Arcata airport, Zac was waiting for them. Tessa squealed and flung her arms around him.
"How was the plane ride?” he asked them.
Catherine laughed. “It was too slow for Lee. She was in a hurry to get back here."
Zac stared at her. “Was she?"
Heat washed over Lee's cheeks, and she dropped her gaze.
"I'm going with Zac and Tessa,” Catherine announced, sounding all too happy. “You can call David to come get you."
Lee shot her a glare. “You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"Yes, yes, I am.” She smiled and kissed her cheek. “And so will you. Good luck, Lee. Don't talk back."
Tessa hugged her. “He's worth every bit of groveling you're going to have to do, sweetie."
They piled out the double doors and left Lee standing there alone. Her hands were unsteady as she dug out her cell phone and dialed his number. The first ring wasn't even finished when he answered. “Hello?"
"It's me. I'm at the airport. Can you come get me?"
"Yes. Fifteen minutes.” And the line went dead.
This waiting was worse than waiting for the meeting had been. She rehearsed her words. She thought about what to say to keep him. By the time he showed up, she thought she was ready.
She wasn't.
Just the sight of him made her heart pound. She loved him so much. How was she ever going to hide it? She kept her eyes lowered, and he said nothing as he picked up her bag and headed toward the parking lot.
She slid into the passenger seat of his black Nissan and chanced a covert glance at him. He was absolutely furious. Control was his middle name, however, and none of his anger was displayed. She only knew it because of his clipped words with the parking attendant he paid and the fire in his eyes.
"May I speak?” she ventured.
"No,” he snapped the word out. “No, you will listen.” He shot a glare at her as he turned onto the highway. “Don't you ever shut me out like that again. I deserved to know. You should have told me about the letter. I could have gone with you."
"You came anyway."
"And you wanted me to leave,” he bit out the words.
"I wanted to take care of it myself."
"I'm your dom."
"I know I broke the contract—"
"Fuck the contract,” he spat out. “This has nothing to do with that God damned contract."
She gaped at him, dumbfounded. There was nothing controlled about this man. He wasn't reacting as her dom but as a man. Her man. Her mouth dropped open.
"Close your mouth and stop looking so surprised. You must have known."
"Known? Known what?” She frowned in confusion.
He made an exasperated sound. “That it was much more than the contract. That—” His lips pursed, and he stared straight ahead.
Then something happened. She got mad. All that time with Barry, she'd never allowed herself to be angry. Even afterwards, when she started to feel the anger, she shoved it away. Now she let it have free reign.
"Fuck you. You made it very clear that I was a project, one of your fucking lost lambs that you were going to heal.” She pointed a finger at him. “Not once in our time together did you indicate anything else."
"Why you—” The tires squealed as he stopped the car in front of his house. Before she could catch her breath, he was out of the driver's seat and yanking her out of the other side. He dragged her through his front door and up the stairs.
She should have been afraid. Instead, she was pissed. “Take your hands off me, you fucking gorilla."
She fought him. Well, sort of. Part of her was thrilled, excited, turned on by his aggression. And, after everything that had happened to her, that was a bloody miracle. Still, it wouldn't do to let him manhandle her.
"Let me go.” She squirmed and twisted to get away.
He crowded her, his body pinning her against the wall and his hot breath fanning her face. “I'm never letting you go. Never. I love you and you love me.” His mouth plundered hers, wild and crazy. This wasn't the calculated caresses he'd indulged in for a week. This was possession.
Joy burst through her as she surrendered. He loved her. Against all odds and in spite of her, he loved her.
* * * *
When she melted in his arms, David went a little nuts. The taste of her, smell of her, feel of her was imprinted on his soul and he wanted to brand her. His mouth was rough and insistent as his hands tore at her blouse, buttons flying across the room. The zipper of her jeans frustrated him briefly, but he would not be deterred. He wanted her naked and he wanted it now.
He made the mistake of stepping back to remove her shirt and she bolted. Not for the stairs, but for the bedroom. She sent a mysterious smile over her shoulder as she sprinted through the door.
Hesitation wasn't his style, and he raced after her. His hand shot out and caught her at the side of the bed, and he whipped her into his arms. His teeth sank into the skin below her ear, and she shuddered. He marked her. She was his.
Her back arched, but it wasn't enough. He
needed total surrender. She'd put him through hell, locked him out and defied him. He wanted submission on a whole new level.
He shoved her onto the bed, and she tumbled onto her back. When she tried to rise, he covered her with his body in a full tackle. She whimpered, a low, needy sound that shot straight through him. He reached inside his bedside table and jerked out his favorite ropes, each with a loop for her hands. The rough texture of the restraints contrasted with the softness of her skin in an erotic way that fucking turned him on. He gripped her wrists and tied each one to the bedpost. Her gaze remained steady on his. He growled. “Lower your eyes."
"Or you'll punish me?” she taunted. He pinched her nipple. Hard. She gasped in delicious pleasure.
"Yes. You need to be punished. You left me. You kept me out, and I won't tolerate that.” He struggled to regain control. He jerked her ankle straight and tied it to the bedpost at the foot of the bed and then the other ankle. She was displayed, naked, vulnerable. Yet, her face was serene, peaceful.
"May I speak?” The words were soft.
"Yes. But be careful.” His control was waning and his need to fuck her was gaining strength. And he was determined to do this right. To fuck her until she admitted her feelings for him.
She met his gaze. “I love you. I think I loved you the minute I saw you in the bar over a month ago. Everything about you makes me crazy, but I feel completely safe with you. I don't ever want to leave you."
The words robbed him of speech. She did love him. He'd spoken of her love so confidently, but to hear her say it made his cock swell and his heart pound. “Do you know what you're saying?"
"Yes.” Her hazel eyes glowed. “A lifetime contract."
"Done.” He snapped, and she blinked as if surprised. “But you still get your punishment."
He whipped out a ball gag and slid it over her mouth. She swallowed, fear and desire both swirling in the depths of her gaze. He smiled. She was going to pay.