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  With her legs clasped around his hips, holding him to her, his hands grasped her wrists and one hand held them both over her head. His free hand reached down and pinched her clit with strong, insistent pulls. He slammed into her harder and her orgasm broke away from her like a flood. Stars floated in front of her and she twitched with every motion of their bodies. His thrusts became frantic and quicker which built the pressure again. His hand left her clit and began to slap her ass in concert with his thrusts and she didn't think she could stand the pleasure. Her wetness flooded her pussy, caressing him, gripping him as he continued to pump her. With one strong blow to her ass and a last thrust, he released a warm stream inside her that sent her spiraling into intense pleasure that rolled over her like waves.

  She tasted tears and knew she'd been sobbing as she convulsed around him. His breath was choppy and fast. She couldn't feel her hands and knew she'd be bruised in so many places from this encounter. But she'd never felt better.

  "Daniella?” He released her wrists and stroked her hair. The Interrogator was gone. She wrapped her arms around him, still connected to him intimately with her legs clasped around his waist.

  "That was amazing, though I'm not sure how much was real and how much was fantasy."

  His face was dark and twisted. “I'm not either. I shouldn't have brought our real circumstances into it."

  Her eyebrows clashed together as her brow furrowed. “I don't know if I would have believed it otherwise. And I could have used my safe word."

  He stroked her face. “I should have had more control. I know you've never played like this. It was my job to keep things in line."

  She threaded her fingers through his hair. “It's not like I didn't thoroughly enjoy myself."

  "Prompt. Bed.” Jake held her to him until the bed appeared and then laid her gently on the mattress. “Prompt washcloth."

  With warm water and a washcloth, Jake soothed every bruise, every sore spot on her body and tenderly kissed each one. She shook beneath him. What was she going to do with him? The question was still running through her mind as he lay beside her and they drifted off to sleep.

  She didn't know what time it was when she woke up, but Jake was still asleep. With tiny movements, she slid out from his embrace. For a long moment, she stared down at his sleeping form. What did she know about him? Nothing.

  Yet, she knew that she cared about him.

  What other man would have her secret fantasy preprogrammed in his VFR prompts? What other man would accept all of her sexual needs?

  But the night before was frightening.

  She'd known that some of her fantasies were dark and filled with pain, but as she was tied to the chair, she wanted him to hurt her. And she would have told him anything.


  Somehow the fantasy and reality blended into something twisted and exciting. Even now, as she remembered his blows, as her bruises throbbed, she was aching to do it all over again.

  As she escaped the VFR and fled to her quarters, her mind spun, still humming from the night before.

  She needed to stay away from him. It was too much, too intense. It was best to keep it all professional, distant.

  She reached her lonely room and flopped on her bed. Somehow, she had to put distance between them to save him from losing his career. Lust had clouded their minds and she didn't think he'd considered the implications of screwing a suspect in an investigation. It was best if she didn't allow him any closer.

  Her stomach rolled at that thought. She should be angry that he might believe she was a terrorist. She should be infuriated that he'd sleep with her and then try and get information. Instead, she was confused and sad. She finally found someone who seemed to understand all of her needs and he was the one man who could put her in the brig. It seemed that their relationship would be a lose-lose situation. Either he'd become convinced she was a criminal, or he'd destroy his career because he was sleeping with her.

  Determined, she fiddled with her room settings. It made sense to end it now, before she got in any deeper.

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  Chapter Five

  Empty arms were all that greeted Jake when he woke up. She was gone. Why didn't she wake him up before she left? How could she leave him after last night?

  Anger blew through him. Replaying the scene, he wondered how he could have lost control. She made him lose control.

  He ran a hand through his hair and it made his scalp tingle. Damn it!

  Daniella wasn't used to this kind of scene playing, but he went into it without even thinking. At the time, it seemed natural, instinctive. Now, he came to the conclusion that he may have stepped over the line.

  Everything in him wanted to stay away from her, distance himself from the woman who sent him into a spiral of need and aggression. Her acquiescence to the interrogation scene almost sent him over the edge. But to leave him after a night like that was not only foolish, but made his stomach churn.

  As he dressed and left the VFR, he immediately headed for the colonist housing section. It was early, but he wanted to see her, talk to her. Part of him wanted to make sure she didn't have any repercussions from their encounter. Part of him was intent on giving her hell for leaving.

  He stamped along the hall, his fists clenched and his jaw hurt from clenching his teeth. What was wrong with him? His loss of control stunned him. He'd indulged fantasies before, but somehow she drew him into a place beyond his own limits. He'd gone too far last night and she'd bolted.

  He thrust his hand through his hair. Why now? Why this woman? She submitted beautifully. In the role of interrogated she'd played the part so well, he forgot for a few moments that it was a game. It was a foolish thing to do. He was lucky it hadn't gone farther. What was it about this woman that drove him to the very limit of his boundaries?

  Whatever it was, he needed to know why this woman touched him as no other woman had. To allow his anger to explode from him would make things worse.

  He reached her door and pressed the vid bell. It requested his identification. When the screen replied he was blocked from entering this residence, he wanted to pound on the door. Fear skittered along his nerves. She was brushing him off.

  It was his responsibility to keep their play in line and he'd blown it. This was the price he had to pay. He worried that she was confused, in pain, ashamed. There wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. With stiff arms and legs, he stamped away from her door. They fit together. He knew they did. Why didn't she feel the same way?

  Was this about the sabotage? Was she the one who did the job and she snowed him? Why was she in his fantasy in the first place? He took a deep breath. To gain control of his scattered emotions, he closed his eyes and leaned his forehead on the cool, metal wall of the hallway. What could he do now?

  He wanted to blame her, have her take the responsibility for the chaos that dominated his mind, but she wasn't an experienced submissive. He had no excuse.

  The overriding question was how it all happened in the first place. The fear and anger began to melt away as he tried to think with his brain instead of his dick. He needed answers—answers he couldn't get from Daniella.

  As he pushed away from the wall, he began to stride towards the central computer room. If he couldn't discuss the details of last night with her, at least he could find out why she'd been thrown in his life in the first place.

  On the way, he admitted to himself that he was hurt and confused. To reveal so much about who he really was and have her run away was devastating. It was difficult not to run with the idea she left because she thought he was cruel and cold. It was a role he played. Maybe he was so convincing she didn't know it wasn't him. That thought was painful. It was a dark side of him he didn't allow out too often and to be rejected because of it wasn't pleasant.

  Entering the control room for the Zenith, Jake decided he was going to find out. Why had Daniella Pearce ended up in his virtual fantasy? Because now, he couldn't get her out of his h

  Two hours later, Jake had a headache.

  "You see, sir, the matrix of the program is to find the perfect fit for all users. There's a glitch in the system that meant it would try and pair people off with their ideal match. Most people want specific orders, Vid Stars, singers and so on. But you and Daniella Pearce were more general. The computer accessed your respective psych evaluations and paired you up.” The computer expert seemed enamored with his discovery. “It's brilliant, really. The onboard computer sees its first mission is to ensure the survival of the crew. It expanded this to include procreation."

  Blood dropped from Jake's face. His stomach flopped. “It wants Daniella to get pregnant?"

  "In a way. It checked the genetics, evaluations, everything and made the decision to combine you with her."

  "What criteria did the computer use? What evaluations?"

  The tech's brow furrowed. “Well, it uses the psych evaluations, past VFR use and the genetic information it has stored on all of us.” The man stared at the screen. “See, here it accessed all of your recorded fantasies and hers. Apparently, you and Ms. Pearce had similar VFR use and the computer paired you with her as the best match.” There was no humor in the tech's voice.

  "So, I can't change this? Every time I go in the VFR, it will send me her."

  "Or a version of her. It's decided this is your mate, sir."

  He groaned. “Can you reprogram it?"

  The man shook his head. “Not without disrupting its primary functions. Didn't it work out, sir?"

  "That's not the problem, soldier. The purpose of the VFR was to provide a safe outlet for the crew and passengers. Are there any other instances of this?"

  "No, sir. You and Ms. Pearce are the only two humans that the computer has paired in the VFR."

  "Well, keep an eye on it. It's not something that most people would enjoy finding out. For now, keep this confidential. There's no need to create a panic among the crew and colonists."

  "Will do, sir.” The technician nodded.

  Jake turned to leave. Then, he turned back and asked the question that worried him the most. “There's no way that a human being programmed this into the VFR?"

  He was afraid the expert would tell him “yes". It was possible that Daniella was trying to throw him off so she could sabotage the equipment. He still hadn't cleared her, even though he couldn't resist her. Was lust clouding his judgment?

  "No, sir.” Jake let out the breath he was holding. “This was a computer decision. It was based on its primary programming, no input given to it."

  As Jake left the control room, he got to work. He'd thought the answer to his questions would give him relief. Instead, it only frustrated him. The technician confirmed what Jake already realized. Daniella was right for him. She didn't know it yet, but he hoped to change her mind. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw the monster he'd been in that last scene. But she had enjoyed it, been turned on by it. Perhaps it made her nervous too.

  To distract his thoughts, he started researching George Finton.

  Forty-nine, thirty of them in military service with zippers on his ranking stripes, Finton was a straight up military mechanic. There was nothing in his record to indicate a man who would be sneaky enough to sabotage a colonist mission. Whatever was going on, he didn't have anything to do with it, unless Finton had changed his personality. Unmarried, no kids, he seemed to have made his life around the military. Yet, he had a little issue with insubordination and never got much higher in rank than Sergeant. No question that he might be harboring hard feelings, though his last demotion had been ten years earlier.

  Pulling up the psych evaluations that his boss gave him access to, he did a quick scan of Finton's personality profile. As he suspected, the man was listed as unusually loyal and mouthy. He was a self-starter, responsible and independent. It wasn't exactly normal for a man like that to be military material. Yet, Finton also displayed the unquestioning obedience in crisis that was highly prized by commanding officers. The red flags on the files were only for his contrary desire to remain single. The opinion for this was that he had once been bitten and refused to be anywhere near anything that might bite him again. There wasn't even a listing of casual sexual partners in over ten years. His use of the VFR room was limited and non-sexual.

  It disturbed Jake that the military must have a file on him.

  Finally, he got to view Daniella's file. It was difficult to recognize the sexual creature he knew with the evaluation in front of his eyes. The evaluation summed her up as a well adjusted person with very little history of creating problems. Her mother died of cancer a year before she was chosen in the lottery and her father was a low level civil servant. It noted that her VFR use was sexual, but encouraged to reduce her tension. Past lovers were listed, but they were few and far between. The one interesting fact listed was that she chose a male dominated profession and managed to maintain respect of her peers. However, it was red flagged since she was viewed by the psych profile as a highly feminine personality. The line that got his attention was ringing in his brain.

  "The conflict between the persona Ms. Pearce presents to the world and her inner needs may create tension if she is quarantined within the confines of Space Travel. It is recommended that her use of the VFR is encouraged, since she will need an outlet for these opposing forces."

  It went on a few paragraphs later. "Ms. Pearce seems to have a strong desire for pain and punishment. Her fantasies are often psychologically dark, but she exercises stringent control over them by VFR use. It is recommended that limits are loosened on the fantasy programming to allow her relief from these needs."

  The smile on Jake's face reflected on his screen. His Daniella was a girly girl. He ought to have guessed. A closet submissive. She had a need for a more intense fantasy. Her desire for pain explained why the scene of the previous night both excited her and frightened her. The psych evaluation showed she wasn't aware of her own limits or desires. Of all people, he should have known this. If her peers knew her secret fantasies, she'd have no respect. In the confines of the VFR, she could indulge her sexual needs.

  He planned on making use of this information.

  Accessing the VFR panel from his computer, the advantage of being second in charge, he marked it to notify him the next time she entered the rooms. He planned on being there. She could try and brush him off, but he was going to keep an eye on her. Not only because he wanted her so much it was killing him, but he also had a nagging feeling that whoever sabotaged the vehicles wasn't going to be thrilled with her.

  * * * *

  How stupid can a woman get?

  Dismantling another Condenser, Daniella muttered to herself.

  It had been three days since Jake had been rejected by her vid bell. Why Daniella experienced disappointment, she had no idea. The interrogation scene made her face a few things. Her fantasies had not gone as far as Jake's did, but the pain, the punishment all touched her in a way nothing in her experience prepared her for. It was thrilling, exciting, frightening. But it went so deep that it scared her to death.

  To run seemed the best option. Programming an impersonal rejection seemed like a good idea at the time. If she admitted the truth to herself, she'd realize she wanted him to break the door down, ignoring her rejection. When he didn't, it hurt.

  All her coworkers gave her a safe distance. Apparently, she was scowling at everyone. When she snapped at another computer tech, George stepped in.

  "What the hell is the matter with you?” he demanded, not mincing words with her.

  "Nothing,” she muttered, concentrating on the Condenser's grid.

  "Bullshit. Listen, Kyle Rider called me. You're unreasonable, cranky and biting everyone's head off. He's pissed at me, like I had something to do with it."

  "I can't help it if my boss is a weenie,” she bit back.

  "Just because we're in space doesn't mean you won't be regulated out of the mechanic section."

  "Right. Like they can pun
ish me more than having me work on Condensers and Evaporators.” She soldered another circuit. “Stupid pieces of shit."

  "That's it. Take a break. Go to the VFR. Do something and change that attitude. Trust me. You continue this shit and they're going to put you in the Slacker section.” The Slacker section was for colonists whose jobs were not needed on the ship. They were people who won the lottery, but had no real skills. On board the Zenith, they were being taught useful skills. It was like a loser school.

  Was that worse than going to the VFR?

  Placing her tools in her box, Daniella wiped her hands and refused to look George in the eye. “Fine."

  Stepping in front of her, the older man tipped her chin up to stare into her eyes. “Whatever it is, kiddo, it's not worth throwing away your career. Take it from an old man who knows.” His eyes were filled with sadness.

  She could only nod. Out in the hallway, she wondered what she would do in the VFR. Her fantasies were all about Jake Tarune. And he was dangerous.

  Entering her identification in the VFR computer, she requested a non-sexual, relaxing massage. Perhaps if she just avoided all of her sexual needs, her aching for Jake would subside. The feelings she had for him probably never would. The computer was slow. The doors finally opened and she was naked, lying on the massage table, waiting for the expert to relieve her muscles.

  * * * *

  An alarm on Jake's computer woke him up from a quick nap he was taking. The late hours and researching into all the personnel with access had kept him awake.

  Daniella was entering the VFR. Checking her input, he chuckled when he noted it was a non-sexual program. She was avoiding what they both needed. He wasn't going to let her.

  With a click of a few buttons, he changed the fantasy and tore down the hall to a VFR access.

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  Chapter Six

  The music that came on was subtle and relaxing. Daniella lay on her stomach with a towel over her hips. Where was that computer generated masseuse? She sighed. The lights dimmed and candles flickered, smelling of pine and vanilla.