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The Trust She Yields Page 4

  "Beg me,” he commanded.

  "Please. Please,” she whispered. “Let me come. I need to come."

  "This is my pussy, Lee. I say when you come."

  She whimpered and consciousness began to fade. Her muscles shook with the effort to hold back her release, and he tormented her more as he flicked his fingers over that sensitive spot inside her. “Whose pussy is this?” He thrust his fingers deeper.

  "Yours. It's your pussy.” She cried out, her jaw tightened, and her teeth ached from gritting them.

  "Mine.” He lifted his head to look at her. “Come now."

  Before the last word faded, she exploded around his fingers, her fluids soaking his hand. Their gazes clashed as she convulsed. Satisfaction gleamed in his eyes, turning them a stormy color. Pride that she'd obeyed him and fear of what those feelings might mean swept over her, making the warmth of her orgasm ebb slightly.

  She blinked away tears as he licked her essence off his hand and gave her a feral grin. Then he reached for the dildo and clicked it on. The beads at the base of the thick vibrator twisted, and he thrust it inside her, his gaze on her face. Heat within her body spiked again, and her eyes rolled back in her head as the beads pressed along the rim of her pussy and the dildo slid against the sensitive walls.

  Only he kept her upright as her whole body abruptly convulsed in one of the longest orgasms she'd ever had. It went on and on until her muscles ached and shivered, slowly relaxing.

  Removing the dildo slowly, he laid it aside and reached for the nipple clamps. “You came without my permission."

  He unscrewed the clamps and held them up. She tensed, her mouth dry, her fear replacing the warmth of arousal. Nipple clamps. Memories, bad ones, spilled through the wall of pleasure she'd been protected behind. Barry using them to hurt her. Barry yanking on a chain to make her move when she was broken and bleeding.

  David stilled and held her gaze with his steady, calm gray eyes. “Do you need to stop, Lee?"

  He was not Barry. She had to start over. That's what he'd said. Once, years ago, she'd enjoyed nipple clamps. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

  David didn't just clamp them on her breasts. He prepared her for them. His mouth sucked each nipple until it plumped and beaded. Then he opened the clamp, and she gasped when the first one bit into her flesh. Pain rushed through her, dull and hard.

  "Breathe through it,” he ordered and rammed the dildo back inside her pussy. Her slick channel clenched, and her nerves sizzled with pain and pleasure. The intensity swamped her, and she remembered to hold back. She focused on her breasts and the pain kept the orgasm simmering, waiting. It hurt. Jesus, it hurt. But for him, she'd wait. For him, she'd hold back.

  "My God, Lee. You're so beautiful. So stunning.” His words brushed her skin as he laid sharp bites along her neck.

  She wanted to speak. She wanted to tell him that he made her beautiful, that he was the reason she was stunning, but the words were too hard to get out while she tried to control her inflamed body.

  When his mouth sucked hard on her skin and pain shot through her, she struggled to stop the onslaught of pleasure that was so close, so powerful. Then his lips were at her ear as was the one word to relieve her agony. “Come."

  She let out a long keening cry as her release swept through her. Fire licked her veins and tears coursed down her cheeks. Over and over, her pussy clenched and unclenched in undulating waves that sucked every single bit of energy from her. She shook so hard the chain behind her rattled. Darkness edged around her, and she lost partial consciousness as her orgasm continued to rip through her.

  When she opened her eyes, her head rested in David's lap and his hand stroked her hair. The dildo was gone, yet her channel throbbed as if it was still buried inside her. She was safe, secure. The most earth-shattering experience and she was still intact.

  His hands traveled down her breastbone. “This is going to hurt like a motherfucker, Lee.” He undid one of the clamps.

  Pain zinged through her, should have flattened her, but instead, her pussy convulsed again. He palmed her breast and soothed the pain. The next one was less of a shock, which was almost a disappointment.

  With tender fingers, he unlocked the cuffs and swept her up in his arms. As he laid her on the bed and wrapped her in the comforter, he brushed her lips with his. “Sleep for a little while."

  Exhausted, Lee drifted aware of David's fingers tangled in her hair.

  * * * *

  When Lee dropped off into a deep sleep, David slipped away and down the stairs. He was almost surprised to find it was only late afternoon. So little time had passed, yet he was not the same man who had begun this journey.

  It was day one, and he had a tenuous grip on his control. He ran an impatient hand through his hair. She needed him to help her regain her submissive power, not service his growing need. Seven days. He'd never make it. But he had to.

  Every newbie, male or female, gay, straight or bi was given a seven day “no sex” requirement. For both the experienced and the new, David held this rule in strict compliance. Since their community was small, damage could be more devastating. Bigger cities could be more lax. Here, rules kept people safe.

  This particular rule gave the new person time to discover their limits, their needs. It also kept the experienced member from getting mind-fucked. Few had ever broken the rule. Tessa was the only one who had been introduced to the community after she had sex with her dominant.

  Lee was going to test him, tempt him at every turn. Even today, as he brought her to an orgasm so strong she passed out, he'd been grateful she was restrained. The cuffs had been instinctual. He hadn't known they were for him, not her.

  Determination stiffened his resolve. He couldn't fail her.

  Seven days.

  He groaned.

  "It's still daylight.” Lee's voice startled him. So deep in his thoughts, he hadn't heard her enter the room.

  "You should rest,” he told her, frowning as he turned to see her clothed.

  She had wrapped one of his bathrobes around her, and even though it tortured him to have her naked, he had to enforce the rules. She broke them, probably unconsciously, to gain control, to keep him distant in more ways than just physically. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow in a silent question. Was she going to comply or waste his time?

  A blush traveled over her cheeks and down her throat. “I'm sorry.” She dropped the robe and lowered her gaze.

  He should leave her alone. She was tired, probably sore. He should order her back to bed. “Come here, Lee."

  She glided toward him like a dream, an erotic dream. His cock twitched, and he stroked it through his pants, then removed his hand before he forgot his own rules. She knelt before him, and he gritted his teeth against the need straining against the denim.

  "I'm well aware this isn't easy for you,” he began in a gentle tone. He resisted the urge to stroke her hair, to comfort her. “But the rules we put in place are for you. If you put distance between us, I can't help you effectively.” He sharpened his tone. “You've broken two rules. You spoke without permission and you came down here clothed."

  She said nothing, only trembled.

  "I have to punish you.” Since the night before, when he'd had his hands on her ass, he'd been salivating to do it again. “Get up."

  As she rose, she kept her gaze on the floor. He took her hand and led her to the dungeon. Her fear created a tangy smell that mixed with the scent of her arousal, and David inhaled. He wanted to bury his face in her pussy and taste her cum. Just the smell of it made him crazy.

  Downstairs, he bent her over a bench. The perfect size, it positioned her so her ass was right where his cock could slam into her. No. Not for seven days. He almost growled in frustration and adjusted his penis under the tightening denim. He would have to remain clothed to maintain his physical distance from her. The irony didn't escape him.

  He stroked her ass, and she squirmed. “I'll hang you up by your hands a
nd spank you if you don't stay still."

  She froze and whimpered. As he stroked her flesh, he marveled at the pristine state of her ass. He wanted to ask her why those beautiful white globes weren't marked like the rest of her. Virgin flesh was so erotic, so exciting. She moaned as his fingers dug into that soft skin.

  He turned to the wall and studied the several different kinds of floggers, crops, and paddles that hung on hooks. Of course, he knew his inventory by heart, but he took those precious moments to gather his energy, clarify his thoughts. He chose a flogger with soft, buttery strands of wicked rubber and snapped it in the air. She jerked.

  From the scars on her back, she obviously had experienced a flogger before, but when he was done with her, she'd be anticipating his floggings, eager for them even. To start, he simply ran the strands over her skin and reveled as goose bumps appeared on her arms and legs. He flicked it around and slid the handle along her spine, nudging the crack of her ass and the damp lips of her pussy with it. She trembled.

  He swung the flogger with a light arc, followed immediately by another. She froze, every muscle of her body stiffening. Then, she relaxed and groaned. Each time he brought his arm back, he increased the speed a little more making every new strike a little harder. Soon, she moaned and squirmed, her ass straining toward the next strike from the flogger.

  He stopped and thrust two fingers inside her pussy. Wet and greedy, her muscles clamped around his fingers.

  "Don't come,” he ordered and withdrew his fingers, glistening with her juices.

  With a precise rhythm, he slapped the flogger along her ass and only along her pristine ass. He wanted to be the first to mark the virgin flesh to match the marks on her back. Her soft flesh turned bright red and stripes appeared. The sight of them made his blood burn, his heart pound, and his cock hard as a rock. He wanted to ram it inside her dripping pussy. He tossed the flogger away and used his hand. Full force, he smacked her butt.

  Still, it wasn't enough.

  Roughly, David hauled Lee to her feet, then sat on the bench and yanked her over his lap. His hand tingled from each blow onto her unmarked ass, and he ground his hips into her belly. She cried out as he increased the speed and strength of his strikes.

  "Are you close, Lee? You may speak.” He was breathless, on edge. Close himself, close to losing control.

  "Oh, God, yes. Let me come. I want to come. Don't stop.” She squirmed on his lap, and he whacked her. Hard. In quick succession, he gave her one blow after another, and her choked cry ripped through him. “Please, sir. Please."

  "Yes. Come for me.” He struck her hard once more and thrust his fingers into her pulsating channel. She squeezed his fingers like a fist, and he gritted his teeth against the rush of need throbbing in his pants. She gushed cream over his hand as she let go. Good thing he'd kept his damn pants on. He wouldn't have stood a chance.

  When her shudders calmed, he licked her essence from his fingers. He loved the taste of her, and the musky flavor on his tongue tested his control.

  Turning her over, he held her in his arms. Hers crept around his neck, and she smiled, her eyes full of satisfaction and contentment.

  It was in that moment David knew he was totally fucked.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Four

  Work was a distraction Lee didn't want, but the next morning, she dressed and went in just like any normal person. Her job as a secretary at the doctor's office was fast paced but not busy enough to quell the fire that burned.

  The night before had been an awakening. Her experiences with the D/s relationship were nothing like this. She'd known her past abuse skewed her perspective, but until David, she hadn't realized how much. He'd touched her, spanked her, punished her, yet all of it gave her was strength and confidence, not fear. Strangely, she'd desperately wanted him to fuck her, to break the rules, but respected his iron will and steely control.

  The thought of being naked and on her knees for David made her insides melt. Five o'clock couldn't come fast enough.

  It was indecent how quickly she was out the door and in her car.

  She arrived at David's front door in ten minutes flat and used the key he'd given her. When she entered the foyer, she had to restrain herself from calling out “Hi, honey, I'm home."

  With barely contained eagerness, she climbed the stairs and strode into the bedroom designated as hers. Lee wanted to prove she could do the things the contract required. She stripped and knelt, hands behind her back and head bowed. She had no idea how long she might have to stay in this position, but that was the agreement.

  Time and quiet cleared her mind. So much had happened in the last three days, and she really hadn't taken time to process it. After David had spanked her to orgasm the night before, a first for her, she'd been so out of it she didn't remember how she got into bed. She slept more deeply than she had in months.

  David had already gone, but he left a note with instructions. She was not to masturbate or touch herself. She was to be naked and in the submissive position when he arrived home. She was to use the key he left with the note. She was to eat breakfast.

  The last demand made her smile. David took care of her in a way she'd never experienced. The idea that a dom would give a rat's ass whether she ate breakfast or not was new to her. The concept of dominance without sex was also new to her. All of her experience within the lifestyle involved sex, but now that she thought about it, many of her friends didn't fuck the ones they played. Her perception had been skewed.

  On her knees in the bedroom, Lee realized David was right. She really was a newbie. Her training had begun in Phoenix, but she'd moved to Las Vegas before she absorbed most of the nuances of submission. In Vegas, she dove in with both feet into the BDSM community. Barry had chosen her as his submissive, and she'd been proud and honored. He was well respected among her friends.

  When it all went to hell, she'd run away. Fear drove her to this room, this man. Part of her wondered if she'd be able to get beyond it.

  The front door slammed, and David's sure step sounded on the stairs. He was on his way, and he wasn't wasting time getting here. Just that thought made her pussy wet.

  When he entered the room, she kept her eyes on the rug in front of her. His hand drifted over her hair, loose as he'd commanded, to stroke it. She closed her eyes with pleasure. The touch was gentle, yet possessive. It made her warm, needy.

  "I missed you today."

  She sighed involuntarily. Good. At least she wasn't the only one who ached. He stroked a finger down her neck. “Did you miss me? You may speak."

  "Yes. I didn't want to stay at work. I wanted to stay here with you.” The minute the words flew out of her mouth, she wanted them back. Eyes lowered, she couldn't see his reaction to her hesitant words.

  He captured her chin and tipped her head to gaze into her face. His gaze, calm and gentle, still demanded her submission in its depths. “Such obedience deserves a reward.” His voice was low and sexy.

  A reward? David ran a thumb across her collarbone. “You don't know much about rewards. When you do the right things as a submissive, I give you something you want."

  She wanted his cock inside her. She wanted him to fuck her. But his stupid rule made that impossible. Her lower lip jutted out and her eyes narrowed.

  He smiled. “On your questionnaire, you stated that you love taking baths."

  She nodded.

  "Go in the bathroom,” he ordered.

  She rose and sauntered into the opulent bathroom off to the right and flicked on the light. The bathroom had light blue walls and white ceramic tile flooring. The bathtub was huge with sturdy glass around it.

  David turned on the water and tested it for the right temperature. As the tub filled, he faced her. “Strip me."

  The order was given in that sharp, sexy tone she loved, and her insides melted at the two words. With shaking hands, she removed his clothes. His muscles were well developed but not obsessively so. It was difficult not
to make comparisons with her last dom. Barry worked out and had bulging muscles, a matter of pride for him. Brute strength was his method of control.

  But David, while built tall and strong, never gave the impression physical power was his weapon. It was an aura of sexuality she couldn't pin-point, like the way he made her wet with just his voice or the way the sweep of his gaze made her still. She loved the way his broad shoulders narrowed to his hips, emphasizing his impressive length.

  When she tried to touch his cock, he stopped her. “No, Lee."

  She wanted to protest. Never in her life had she felt so unfulfilled, despite orgasm after orgasm. She wanted him to get off. The fact that he didn't while with her was actually frustrating.

  He stepped into the enclosed bathtub and took her hand to pull her in. Closing the door with a click, he lifted the removable shower head from its stand. “Lie down in the tub.” She did and the water flowed over her sensitive body. “Pinch your nipples. Make them hard tips."

  His gray eyes darkened to a deep blue as her hands crept up and cupped her breasts. With her forefingers and thumbs, she rolled her beaded flesh until the pain prick combined with pleasure and a flush of desire washed over her body.

  He stood over her, his hot gaze egging her on, making her edgy. Then he flicked a knob on the faucet and water streamed from the shower massager. He slid the setting to a pulsating stream that burned her skin a little when it hit the inside of her thigh. He knelt in the water and pressed the shower head next to her erect clitoris. The water slammed into her nub and pulsed there, causing her to buck and heave. She nearly forgot to hold back as the jetting water almost instantaneously drove her toward release.

  Just in time, she remembered and dug her sharp nails into her tits. The pain stopped the imminent orgasm, but she was so needy it also added to her pleasure.

  "David,” she gasped.

  But he was intent on her pussy. His gaze, erotic and fucking hot, was riveted on her damp flesh as he manipulated the water to stroke her clit.